Sunday, August 14, 2011

FIFTH WEEK of school in an hour time!!

i've been in mel for practically a month and one week?! & so that left me with 3 months more to that HOT;HUMID tropical island where i'm from!! this is kind of the motivation that keeps me going now lol. of course the motivation includes partying everyday back in sg plus flying off to some neighboring ctries..

thought i can always pull off being a Loner pretty well since independence is like nth for me. but then it jus keeps me thinking nowadays abt the first day where i reach mel & it's really kind of saddd. not that i'm still a lonely soul here, but guess that feeling & thought is gonna stay in me like forever. maybe it'll just remind me that if i have a chance to go to another ctry for studies again i'm gonna grab someone with me LOLOL.
oh & of course most imptly is those lovely humans who's bbm & whatapp- ing me everyday keeps me alive Lol. hands still cant leave my phone even when i'm here!! the connection and relationship btw my phone n fingers is jus indescribable. ---> is this even english?!?!

life seems pretty good so far with at least a day off every week, either on a fri or sat chilling at bars if not wld be a sun out shopping. next shall be some brunching soon. shld go with my frens plan of aiming to complete either the full food menu of a good restaurant or drinks menu in a bar. but now ive yet to complete half of my macaroons.
while when there's all the good things, there's then bound to be some bad ones.
tutorials are making me BUSYYY here. it's not that i dont study back in sg SIM. but it's just that the blogs discussions, presentations, tutorials. gotta take some time to getting used to all these.
& still the saying goes.. i've another ONE FULL YEAR in MEL! what's there to be worrying abt.

chat on facetime with family earlier & sometimes i rly thank technology for all these thou the debates on whether does it makes one more dumb goes on and on in mktg class.
had short convos with everyone even all my nieces. thou they kind of focused on the TV screen than facing me on the phone screen. -.- kids! what can i say..
but just when i realize i chat with everyone EXCEPT my elder bro. it kind of set me thinking abt those dramas where the big bro always kind of doted their younger sis, protective, loving them. but yea, mine seems like of off. i mean i think i hope we sort of still love each other in our inner hearts. actually i do! srsly! but not speaking much and all makes me feel kind of distant.
oh well,,, jus hoping that 10 yrs down the road we wont be strangers-like family.

that;s all for now then. tada.
